Addiction Rehab for Drug & Alcohol Withdrawal near Santa Rosa, CA

Since 1957, Azure Acres Treatment Center has given hope to individuals struggling with substance abuse and its lasting effects. Azure Acres provides residents high-quality alcohol and drug abuse treatment near Santa Rosa, California.

Causes of Withdrawal

Causes of drug & alcohol withdrawal

There are many consequences that can occur if a person abuses substances. Regardless if an individual is misusing prescription drugs, abusing heroin, cocaine, or meth, or drinks excessive amounts of alcohol, the detriments associated with substance abuse are vast and can cause irreparable damage in every area of an individual’s life.

For some substances of abuse, the resulting effects can be more severe. Should a person continue to abuse substances for a long period of time, that individual is more likely to develop an addiction to his or her substance or substances of choice. With the development of an addiction comes additional consequences that could compromise an individual’s efforts to refrain from the use of substances.

For example, some addictions cause substance users to become physically dependent on a drug or drugs. When this occurs, it is called chemical dependency and means that a person’s body will struggle to function without the presence of the substance or substances. In the event a person abruptly stops using or is unable to use a substance, he or she will experience a process known as withdrawal, which includes a variety of physically and psychologically distressing symptoms to emerge.

Enduring withdrawal following the cessation of substance use can be an uncomfortable and even painful process. For this reason, it is important to consider addiction rehabilitation if the signs of withdrawal begin to impact your or your loved one’s life.

Signs of Withdrawal

Signs of drug & alcohol withdrawal

Reliant on the type of substance or substances that are being abused, the telltale signs of withdrawal can vary. Some symptoms that occur during this process are less severe than others, though they all infer that an individual is suffering from an addiction. If you or someone you care about is suffering from any of the following after stopping the use of a substance or substances, then it is likely that the process of withdrawal is occurring:

  • Hallucinations
  • Poor concentration
  • Shakiness / tremors
  • Overwhelming cravings for one’s substance of choice
  • Sweating
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Accelerated heartrate
  • Bone pain
  • Dysregulated body temperature
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Noticeable shifts in mood
  • Self-harming behaviors
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Memory impairment
  • Runny nose
  • Muscle pain
  • Teary/watery eyes
  • Lethargy/fatigue
  • Stomach cramping
  • Changes in appetite
  • Aggression
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Vision problems
  • Weight changes

If the symptoms that you or your loved one is experiencing are severe, it is a good idea to get medical treatment as quickly as possible so as to prevent a fatal outcome. Additionally, if it is likely that the process of withdrawal is taking place, it is beneficial to consider seeking rehabilitation so as to put an end to an addiction once and for all.

Why Seek Treatment

Why seek treatment for substance abuse at Azure Acres near Santa Rosa, CA

There are many reasons why a person should consider seeking care when battling an addiction to drugs and alcohol. Among such reasons is the very real possibility for an overdose to occur in addition to other health concerns that could emerge. Furthermore, and if a person’s addiction is severe, there is a high probability for a person to experience a distressing process of withdrawal that has the capability of driving a person back to the abuse of substances. Withdrawal symptoms are quite powerful and can cause a person to abandon his or her goal of abstaining from substance use because of his or her compromised ability to resists his or her substance(s) of choice. These symptoms can lock a person in a seemingly never-ending cycle of substance abuse, and prevent sobriety from becoming a reality.

However, by engaging in treatment, these outcomes do not have to be set in stone. In seeking rehab, namely residential rehab treatment, an individual can benefit from the support and expertise of professionals who are dedicated to helping them defeat their addictions once and for all. Additionally, within residential treatment, effective and life-changing interventions are offered that can set the stage for long-lasting recovery. Detoxification, or detox, is an example of one such intervention that can jumpstart a person’s recovery journey. This method not only rids a person’s body of the harmful substances that were abused, but also alleviates the withdrawal symptoms that would otherwise prevent sobriety.

Azure Acres Treatment Center, located in Sonoma County, California, is a pioneering provider of adult residential treatment for those battling addictions, understands what is needed to help men and women overcome withdrawal. This center utilizes only the most effective treatment methods and employs a staff of professionals who are fully dedicated to helping those who come for care. In choosing Azure Acres as the place to begin life anew, you or someone you care about will soon come to know a life that is no longer impacted by addiction. Call today; your healthier tomorrow awaits.

Take a free online Assessment

An assessment is an important first step toward treatment of and recovery from addiction.

I have been in and out of treatment for years and could not remain sober for more than a couple years sometimes no more than 60 days. I attended groups and one on one therapy with my counselor there and this time something magical happened for me there. Azure Acres saved my life -- check this place out if you are looking for treatment!

– Former Patient